Examples for "female poet"
Examples for "female poet"
1A famous female poet was reduced to pawning her best sonnet for a glass of lemonade and a bun.
2George Eliot Miss Mary Evans Mrs. Cross Mrs. Lewis was the greatest female poet unless George Sands is made an exception of.
3To indicate his indifference to the disappearances of female poets, Dart faked a yawn.
4Plath remains one of the most well-read English language female poets of the 20th century.
5There were many female poets, bookwriters, and playwrights.
1I am a poet without a landscape, a woman poet without a narrative heritage.
2Years ago a woman poet eased her heart of ecstasies about this Little Country.
3One, a Miss Wilson doesn't know who George Sands is the woman poet and writer.
4Vernon Beseler was living another life near Tompkins Square with a woman poet named Marian.
5For years she was the only Black woman poet's voice I really knew, and more importantly, could understand.
6So, too, is defining a woman 's place and most problematically, the rights of the woman poet and the tensions between those words.
7A year later, 25 people were killed, including a woman poet who tried to lay a wreath of flowers in the square.
8I had always responded to American women poets and British women novelists.
9One of the most talented women poets in ancient Greece was also gay.
10But I'd love to bring glimmers of Black women poets to Storm's voice.
11Dr. Finch said, "Remember the minor women poets?"
12The word is out on Instagram that these four women poets are breathing soft feminine magic through their poetry.
13Anarchist poet Lola Ridge was one of the most famous women poets of her time in early 20th century America.
14In her view, it is coddling and condescending overpraise, not simple obstruction, that has done most damage to women poets.
15Faced with the catastrophic canonical neglect of Irish women poets and writers in very real terms, there are many responses.
16"Do you Americans have any women poets of note?" queried the great Browning.
Translations for woman poet